Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Poison fumes

Poison fumes.

An old car which goes to two empty units next door, but they don’t live there. Three different drivers of this old car. They all leave it sitting in a car park, very near my window. Then they pump out exhaust fumes for a long, long time. Very deliberately.

Today I smell bad poison fumes. No car outside. Not sure where the fumes were coming from. They cause pain. I closed all the windows, even on a fine weather day. Feel better now. Use anti germ spray too. Im ‘sure’ its related to the three drivers and car fumes.

I took a photo of one of the drivers license plate, a different car. A newer car. A pic of his license plate is on Flikr now. It would be interesting to find out who he is. He does not live there. The two nearby units are empty. He told me that the new owners of my unit, are going to demolish it, as soon as I go to my new flat. No earthquake damage at all. Just me and my cat have lived here for over ten years, quietly.

Other people linked to these strange people, are the ones who were saying. We consent on your behalf, we are pimps. We know you are far too unwilling to consent for yourself.  They say I don’t have the right to say NO. Its not my body, it belongs to them. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. Crazy, whore wanker. Lies and slander like this are used as weapons. So is the pumping out of fumes for long periods of time, so close to my window.

Who are these people? They hate me. Extreme hatred and they don’t even know me at all. I think they are from Auckland. This sort of thing has only been happening recently.

They may be linked to whoever has purchased the property. Why attack me like this? I don’t know. A mystery, who are they? Why do they hate me so much, spread lies and slander around about me? If looks could kill. Why? Nothing could be further from the truth. I am an independent journalist. People who were used for child porn as kids are targeted, in later life, by people like this. They hate Christians, they seem to think all Christians are crazy and saying NO is not normal. Satanic atheists?

The reason, according to my research is. Child porn. Those people who were used for child porn in New Zealand, get targeted like this, later in life. Why I don’t know.

Anyway, the photo of the man’s license plate is on Flikr. It would be interesting to find out who he is. When and if the old car with 3 drivers returns, I will take a photo of its license plate too. So much for the rebuild, when people from Auckland come here and demolish good property, for no reason.

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